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The ultimate guide to baby prams

With so many different baby prams to choose from, it can sometimes feel overwhelming on what’s right and what’s wrong. The last thing you want is for your baby to be uncomfortable whilst you’re out and about. There are many things to think about when buying a pram and it’s completely normal to feel like you don’t know what you’re doing. We will answer the most common questions that parents have. Some might seem obvious, but all parents are different and all information is useful.

As well as giving you handy information, we will also list some of our favourite prams that we have found. We understand that all parents have different budgets to work with and some may want different styles to others. We will do our best to find something for everyone. We hope that our information and useful to you as you welcome your new baby.

baby prams

What is a baby pram?

It may seem like a silly question, but when you have pushchairs, strollers, buggies and prams, how do you know which is which? Although they all look similar, they are all targeted towards different ages and all do different things. 

  • Pram – These are designed to carry new-born babies and young babies. Prams have a flat surface is which the baby lays on instead of something that reclines. Prams will be our main focus for this blog today.
  • Pushchair – Pushchairs have more functions than a pram. The seat can be fully reclined the design can be changed to either be front-facing or rear-facing. These can often be folded flat which makes it very easy to put in the boot of a car. Because of the different functions, a pushchair can be used for both new-borns and older babies.
  • Stroller – Strollers are more lightweight and are easily collapsible. These are great for older babies who have started to walk but also need a break often!
  • Buggy – A buggy is more of just a term for either a pushchair or stroller. Some people refer to a pushchair when using this term whereas others see it as a stroller. It depends on who you speak to!

How much is a baby pram?

Prams don’t have a specific price due to the amount of different styles and brands available. Depending on what you want, this will determine how much money you need to spend. For example, some parents might choose to go with a basic pram or second-hand which will be much cheaper. However, parents who want designer prams or one with many functionalities can expect to pay a bit more. The price can range from anything from £150-£1000 but could be more if it’s designer. 

If you’d like to save some money on your baby items, car seats and prams commonly come as one item. This means you can buy a pram and car seat in one and know that it goes together super easy when you’re out and about.

If you’re trying to save money on your baby’s pram, you can always buy second-hand or ask family and friends if there’s one that you can have from them. Buying a second hand pram does not mean there will be anything wrong with it. It’s just important to make sure all of the parts are included and to give it a clean before you put your baby in it. This is just a precaution to make sure there is nothing that could irritate your baby’s skin.

If you’re interested in finding out what other baby items cost, take a look at our blog: How much does a baby cost?

baby prams

When to buy a pram

When you find out that you’re pregnant, it can be super exciting and you may want to get started with buying everything straight away. Remember though, you need the space to store these items whilst you wait for your baby to arrive.

Most parents have lots of fun choosing their first pram – there are so many designs to choose from! There’s no need to rush when looking for a pram, you want to make sure that the one you buy is perfect for both you and your baby. You want it to be easy to push around as well as fold away when putting it in the car or storing it at home. 

You can start looking for your pram as early as you’d like – being prepared is great when you’re having a baby. Don’t just look online, if you can get into shops, it’s great to see the pram in front of you so you can get a real feel for it! Make sure you try out a variety of prams before you decide on your final one. When you’ve found the perfect pram, you can order it as early as you like providing you have somewhere to put it. If you’re struggling for space, try and order it a little later so it won’t sit around for as long.

Some stores also offer great options where you can choose to have the pram delivered on a later date. This makes it much easier as you can order a pram as soon as you find one but won’t have to worry about it arriving 20 weeks before your due date!

Which pram should I buy?

We have many options for you to choose from throughout this article, but you also need to know what to look for. If you do not know what you want on a pram, then you definitely won’t know what one to choose. We’ve got some great things to look out for when purchasing your first pram:

  • Easy to fold up – Whether you’re putting it in the car or storing it in a cupboard, you want your pram to be easy to fold away. The last thing you want is to be stuck out in the rain whilst trying to get a pram into the car. You can check this by going to see prams in shops where you can ask staff to show you how it folds away. If ou have ordered one online, make sure you’re familiar with how to fold the pram away before you use it for the first time.
  • Not too big or small – Prams come in many different designs and it also means they vary in size. Certain designs will mean the pram is slightly bigger than average. If you’re trying to save some space, it’s better to look for a smaller pram so it will be easier to keep in the car or in the house.
  • Sturdy design – When you push the pram around, make sure nothing wobbles around and that the pram feels sturdy. With cheaper and lower quality prams, they can wear down quicker – make sure you see no signs of this when buying one – especially second hand.
  • Go for what’s essential – There are so many prams that come with functions such as sound systems or speakers built into them. Whilst this may seem cool for the first couple of weeks, you probably won’t end up using them that much after this and is a waste of money.
  • Weather protection – This is a must – especially if you live in the UK! The pram should have a water-resistant material and cover that protects your baby if you get caught in the rain! It’s also great to look for a material that dries quickly – especially if you keep the pram in your home.
baby prams

How to keep baby warm in a pram

You'll be venturing out with your baby during all different types of weather conditions. As the colder weather starts to come in, you'll need to protect your baby from getting too cold. Your little one will be able to feel the cold much more than you will and it's important to take this into consideration when taking them outside. Although their pram is designed to be a space to block out and breezes, it doesn't mean it will stay warm. Prams are designed to let the air flow through and therefore, will be chilly for your baby!

There are multiple things you can do to ensure your baby doesn't get cold during your journey out! These are all things that you would have done before. It's great to read about these things as it will ensure you're doing everything correctly and safely.

  • Layer up! Don't just dress your baby in one thick outfit to keep them warm. Instead, use multiple thinner layers to control their temperature much easier. Whilst plenty of layers may be fine for when you're outside, when you go inside, the change in temperature can warm your little one up very quickly. However, if there's multiple layers to work with, you can take one of one by one until your baby is more comfortable. This applies with adding layers when you go back outside.
  • Blankets and covers. Not only can you use clothing as a way of layering your little one up. You can also use blankets and pram covers to keep your baby warm. It's great to find blankets that are thin but that can be folded up to make extra layers. These can then be used at all times. Pram covers are also great for windy days. They will block out the strong gusts and keep your baby nice and warm inside.
  • Extra accessories. Not only is clothing important for keeping you little one warm, it's also great to add other items that make sure there's nothing on your baby that can feel the breeze! Hats and mitts are a good way to protect your baby from the cold weather. Newborn babies tend to lose a lot of their heat through their head. By wearing a hat, it will hold the heat in and keep them warm for much longer. It's also important to protect your baby's hands. When they begin to get cold, they can cause discomfort to your baby and make life a lot harder. You can find hats and mitts in a lot of supermarkets.
  • Comfortability. Whatever you choose to dress your baby in to keep them warm, make sure it's comfortable! We know that there's nothing worse than irritating fabrics or tags that make you feel itchy! It's important to use layers when dressing your baby, but make sure they are not restricted. It's important for your baby to be able to move around and stretch out when they need to. Don't add anything unnecessary that could make your baby uncomfortable. We know that trendy outfits look nice, but they might not feel nice for your little one.
baby prams

How long should a baby lie flat in a pram?

The purpose of baby lying flat in a pram is to make sure they can breathe normally and get all of the oxygen that they need. As well as this, it is also the best position to support their neck and spine whilst they develop. All prams have a lie-flat option and some are able to recline whereas others don’t. 

It’s important to make sure you keep your baby lying flat for as long as they need to. It’s advised that you shouldn’t recline your baby’s seat until they can properly sit up on their own – this will tell you that they are able to support themselves more. This happens at different times for different babies but commonly ranges from about 4-6 months. Only at this point should you think about recline your baby’s seat in their pram.

If you choose to do this before your baby can sit up on their own, it can cause complications to their health. Naturally, a baby’s head will flop forward if they are reclined as they cannot hold their head up properly whilst they are developing. This means that if you leave a young baby is a reclining seat, their head could flop over and restrict their breathing.

How to protect baby from sun in a pram

Overheating can be very easy for your little one as they cannot regulate their temperature as well. When the sun is out, it's important that you take steps to protect your baby from the sun and getting too hot. Not only is this dangerous for your baby, it's also very uncomfortable for them. We have got some tips on things you should do when it's hot out:

  • Don't go out during the hottest times. The hottest hours of the day are usually 12pm to 2pm. During these hours, it's better to try and keep your baby inside where they can stay cool and safe. These are time where the sun is at its hottest. Not only is there the danger of overheating, your ba y can also experience sun burn if direct sun hits their skin. Your baby's skin will be very delicate when they are young and it's important to try and protect it as much as possible.
  • Don't cover your baby. Some parents may think the best thing to do when it's hot is to cover their little one with a thin blanket to help avoid direct sunlight on their skin. However, adding an extra layer on top of your baby (even when its thin) can cause overheating. Instead of using a blanket of cloth to cover them over, purchase a clip on sunshade that can be used on your pram. This allows air to still flow though but keeps your baby covered from the sun.
  • Choose the right clothing. One way you can protect your baby is using the right clothing for the weather. It's important to choose lightweight, thin and light coloured clothing for when it's hot outside. Light colours will reflect the heat instead of absorbing it like darker colours. There are items of clothing that include UV protection. You can find these in your normal supermarkets. If you take your baby out of the pram, it's a good idea to pop a hat on them.
  • Pick the correct sun cream. As we mentioned, your baby's skin is much more delicate when they're younger. When choosing a suncream, you should go for something that is specifically designed for babies and sensitive skin. These are usually SPF 50 or more. If you are using sun cream for the first time, you need to look out for any reactions on your baby's skin. This can include rashes or swelling.
  • Plenty of fluids. Whether you're outdoors or at home, your baby needs to have lots of fluids if it's warm. It's essential that your baby stays hydrated in the summer months as this can help them stay cool and safe. Depending on how old your little one is, they should either have milk only or a combination of milk and water if they're over 6 months old. This is more important when you're out and about with your baby as they may feel the heat more.
baby prams

Can a baby sleep in a pram?

Letting your baby sleep in their pram is completely fine, but it should only be for naps throughout the day – not during the night. You may find that when you’re out and about, your baby falls asleep in their pram. This is completely normal due to the movement that helps your baby fall asleep.

However, it’s important to be careful that your baby doesn’t start associating sleep with movement. This can pose problems when it comes to sleeping at night. When they are in the pram, the slight rocking motions help them fall asleep and they are therefore not self-soothing. 

Self-soothing is when a baby is able to comfort themselves to sleep instead of relying on the mother or father to rock, cuddle or feed them in order to get them to sleep. By allowing your baby to nap whilst they are in their pram all of the time, they will not learn how to self soothe themselves. 

This doesn’t mean you should let you baby fall asleep in their pram. It’s just important to try and plan nap time around the time you are taking them out in the pram. For example, if your routine is to put your baby down for a nap at 1pm, go and with the pram and do what you need to do. Your baby will most likely fall asleep in the pram whilst you’re out and this will cover their nap time. 

If you let you baby nap in the day as well as nap in their pram, this is when problems can arise. You many experience problems at night time when they cannot settle due to too many naps. Try and stick to strict times throughout the day to push your baby into a routine. This will make life much easier for you and your baby. 

How to get a baby to settle in a pram

Managing to get your baby to sleep whilst you're out and about can be a massive help as you have a better chance of getting things done! There are some babies that will easily fall asleep in a pram but others don't like the motion of it. As your little one gets older, they will naturally fall asleep in their pram/pushchair on their own. However, whilst they are young and if they are struggling, you can do a few things to help:

  1. Time it to when they usually nap. You'll notice your baby getting into a routine of when they fall asleep during the day. To get them used to sleeping in a pram, you can put them in there and take them out just before their usual nap time. If they are that tired, they will fall asleep - even if they don't want to! Sleeping whilst in the pram will get them used to the movement and make it easier each time you do it.
  2. Music. Some prams come with integrated sound systems in which you can play lullabies whilst you run errands. If you don't have one of these, there's nothing wrong with playing something off of your phone! Music can soothe your baby and help them get to sleep.
  3. Make use of dummies or comforters. Comforters can include teddies or small blankets that your baby feels relaxed with. If your baby is in a relaxed state of mind, they are more likely to fall asleep in their pram. It may be that the different sounds and movements confuse and distress your little one. By using something to calm them down, it can make the experience much more pleasant.
  4. Cover the pram. You should only do this if it's cool out and not during the summer months. The cover should be thin and breathable to allow air to go through still. This can offer your little one a safe space where they can feel relaxed enough to fall asleep. The darkness will also help them get to sleep much easier. Sometimes the day light can be very distracting!
  5. Talk to your baby. Your voice is the most soothing thing to your little one. It's what makes them feel calm and supported. If they know you are nearby, they will feel much more relaxed. There can be lots of different and new noises when your baby is in their pram. By speaking to them, you can drown these noises out and make them feel safe.
baby prams

How to clean a baby pram

Cleaning a pram which is used for a new-born can be much easier as there are no items such a food going into the pram. However, it’s important that the pram is kept clean and hygienic for your baby to prevent any irritation or illnesses. You need to remember that your pram goes everywhere you go. This includes into shops, parks and the car. In all of these places, there are different germs that can get onto your pram and potentially make your baby sick.

We’ve got some simple steps for you to follow that makes cleaning your pram easy:

  • If you can find your owner’s manual, this will tell you how to take certain parts of the pram apart. This is good if you’re seep cleaning or trying to get to a certain spot.
  • Get rid of any loose dirt with a hoover. This may just be dust that has accumulated for the pram being in your home or in the car. Try and get in the creases to hoover up as much as possible. 
  • Use a gentle soap and warm water to wipe over any fabric or plastic. If your pram comes with a removable cover, you can take this off and soak it instead. Avoid a washing machine or dryer as this may shrink it. When it comes to drying it, lay it out flat to air dry.
  • One everything is dry, use a safe anti-bacterial spray to freshen up the fabric and remove anything you may have missed.
  • If there are still parts of the pram you haven’t cleaned like the handles and wheels, use an antibacterial wipe or spray to clean these areas down.
  • Leave your pram in a cool and dry place to avoid mould growth in future.
baby prams

When to move a baby from a pram to pushchair

There are a few things to look for before you move your baby into a pushchair. This normally happens at around 6 months old but can depend on the size of your baby as well as their development. 

Firstly, your baby should be able to sit up on their own. We spoke about this previously in the blog. If you baby can hold themselves up comfortably, they are ready to move to a reclining seat in a pushchair. Be sure that they can do this comfortably before you make the decision to move. Doing this too soon can cause damage to your baby’s neck and spine.

Secondly, they should be able to control their head and neck movements without any trouble. This involves holding and supporting their head easily as well as being able to turn their head comfortably. The importance of this is that your baby will be able to take in all of the oxygen they need without their head restricting their breathing. If they can hold their head up fully, their airways will stay clear and open.

Lastly, if your baby has met the other two goals, you need to make sure that they actually fit in the pushchair. All babies grow at different speeds and some may be able to move sooner than others. You’ll know if your baby fits properly by checking to see if the harness fits correctly and supports them whilst they sit in the pushchair. If this still feels loose or is too tall for your baby, you should move them just yet.

A conclusion on prams

We hope that you now feel less confused about prams for your baby and you now know what to look for. We also hope that out of our selection, you have been able to find the perfect pram for you and your little one. 

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