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How do I place an order on Iggly Wiggly Woo?

Placing an order at is simple and straightforward. All you need to do is search for the product you are seeking, add it to your basket and pay for your item via either PAYPAL or a credit or debit card.

Easily browse through by using the search bar, main menu, or homepage. We like to use plenty of pictures to give you the best idea of how each product will look.

Add the item to the shopping cart by selecting a size, choose how many you want and then click the “add to cart” button. The item will be added to your cart and you can continue to shop.

To checkout, simply click on the cart icon in the top right of the page. Here you can review your choices, add a promo code or voucher. Once you are ready to buy, simply click the “checkout” button complete your delivery details and payment method.

Can I change the shipping address of my order?

Yes, you can change your shipping details before the order is shipped by contacting our customer service at [email protected] within 24 hours after placing your order. 

But once the order is shipped, no modification can be made about your order. 

Can I cancel my order after it has been placed?

Unfortunately, we are unable to cancel your order once it has been processed and/or shipped.

If you wish to cancel your order for another reason please contact customer service at [email protected] within 24 hours after placing the order. We would love to help you.

How long does shipping / delivery take?

We have a page dedicated to shipping and delivery – you can find out more here

How can I contact you?

If you have any questions - please email us at [email protected] and we will do our best to help you.

Iggly Wiggly Woo Ltd
86-90 Paul Street
t. +44 1223 650 018
e. [email protected]
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