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What to dress a baby in for sleep

Choosing what to dress baby in for sleep can be a difficult decision. Although it may sound like a simple job, it can be scary for new parents as there a multiple consequence that can follow if the wrong item is chosen. It’s completely normal to feel like this as a parent, all we want to do is protect our children the best we can.

Even buying a new pair of pyjamas for your little one can be a frightening experience when you’re a new parent. We hope this blog can take away some of the pressure and fear around what to dress a baby in for sleep. We’ve listed some options and tips to keep your baby comfortable and safe at night as well as keeping you relaxed.

The basics

When you dress your baby for bed, you should always put them in an extra layer that you would feel comfortable wearing during the night. This is because babies cannot sleep with lose blankets or sheets and the pose a risk. As example of extra layers for your baby, a 2-piece pyjama set as well as a swaddle will work fine.

It’s important to think about if you’d be comfortable and safe sleeping in your baby’s room. This comes down to many factors but one of the most important is temperature. The last thing you want is your baby getting too hot or cold. If you struggle to cool the room down because of warm temperatures outside, it’s best to leave your baby with just the one layer.

Don’t overdress your baby for sleep. Some parents worry that because their little one is so small; they will get cold much easier during the night. This is true that they do feel temperature more sensitively, but it also means that they can also get hot very easily. The danger of your baby getting too hot is something you should prioritise at bedtime.

To keep a good eye on the temperature in your babies’ room, it’s a great idea to install a thermostat directly in their room so you know the exact temperature and can be put at ease. Although the rest of your house may feel cool, some rooms can hold heat for a longer period of time.

what to dress a baby in for sleep


Swaddling is a technique in which the baby is wrapped up in a certain way to make them feel like they are back in the womb. Parents do this because their baby normally sleeps better when using the technique. It is found that new-borns respond very well to this.

When swaddling, it’s best to use a thin, breathable material that your baby won’t get too hot in but will be kept comfortable throughout the night. If you’re not confident that you can get the hang of the technique, there’s many ready-to-go swaddle sacks which have Velcro or zips to make it easier.

Swaddle sacks are great for new-borns as they are less mobile. However, once your baby can start to move on their own and can roll over, it’s time to get rid of the swaddle. This is because if your baby rolls over during the night with a swaddle sack on, there is no way of them pushing themselves back over.

If you find that swaddle sacks don’t work for you and your baby, that’s completely fine. Instead, sleepsuits are perfect.

Baby nightwear according to the weather

We’ve made a small guide for you to follow when the weather begins to change. It can be difficult to know what’s too much and what isn’t enough when it comes to dressing your baby for sleep. 


The best option for warmer evenings is to keep the material light and breathable. Short sleeve bodysuits are perfect for this type of weather. If you swaddle your baby, it’s also fine to continue doing this, just make sure the material you use is breathable. This way, the swaddle sack will not make your baby too hot.

If it’s extremely hot (not very likely in the UK), it’s fine to just leave your baby in a bodysuit or t-shirt to sleep in. Again, take in to account the temperature of your baby’s room. If you have the air con on, your baby will still become chilly.


As parents, we know there’s nothing worse than feeling cold whilst you’re trying to get to sleep. To ensure your baby sleeps well throughout the night, it’s important to choose items of clothing that will definitely keep them warm. Fleece pyjamas are great for this and their soft, cotton material will keep your baby super comfy. 

It’s essential to remember that no matter how cold it gets, avoid giving blankets to your baby, this is not a safe option to go ahead with.


Many parents wonder if a hat is a good option for their baby at bedtime. Whilst they are used a lot in hospitals, it’s better to not continue using them once your home. In a hospital environment, your baby is monitored 24/7 by you and other healthcare professionals. However, when you get home, you won’t be able to watch over your baby throughout the entire night.

Hats pose a risk as they are a loose item of clothing. For example, if the hat was to come off during the night, this can cover the baby’s face and restrict their breathing. Not only this, babies release heat through their head and feet. So, whilst this would be okay for the daytime, it’s not a suitable choice for when they’re in bed.

Always go with a snug fit

We’ve spoken about the type of items you can dress your baby in for bed and why it’s important not to use blankets. The same risk runs with looser clothing. As your baby moves around during the night, a snug fit outfit will stay close to their skin. However, with loose fitting nightwear, this can move around freely and poses the risk of rising up and covering your baby’s face.

Whilst looser clothing makes sense to parents in the summer, a lightweight, snug fitting bodysuit is a much better choice. This is especially important as your baby start getting older and is able to move around more. 

Make it easy for you

There are so many options of different nightwear for babies that come with fancy buttons and interesting designs. However, to make your life much easier, choose a design that you will find easy to take off and put on again without hassle. The last thing you want is to be struggling at 3am after changing your baby. 

Try and avoid super cute, expensive bodysuits for night time. During the night, your baby is more likely to have accidents which will stain and potentially ruin what they’re sleeping in. Keep the prettier and cuter outfits for the daytime.

Try and avoid super cute, expensive bodysuits for night time. During the night, your baby is more likely to have accidents which will stain and potentially ruin what they’re sleeping in. Keep the prettier and cuter outfits for the daytime.

what to dress a baby in for sleep

Making sure your baby is not too hot

It can be hard sometimes to know what your baby wants or what they are telling you. However, over time, parents will start to pick up on similar cry’s or movements that are telling them something.

So, your baby has gone through their night time routine, you’ve fed them, bathed them and now dressed them. However, they are still struggling to settle. This could be a sign that your baby is too hot in the outfit you have put them in. To tell if this is the case, look for signs like fast breathing, wet hair and a hot chest. If your baby has just one of these, it’s better to get them undressed, cool them down and re-dress them in something thinner when they’re back to normal.

It may not be their clothing, check the temperature of the room – this is why it’s important to have a thermostat directly in their room. If it’s too hot, cool it down and wait for some time to bring it down to a suitable temperature.

It’s not only overheating that you should watch out for. You need to make sure your little one also isn’t too cold. Signs of being too cold can include looking slightly blue – this usually occurs on the hand or feet. There’s no need to panic if you notice this, turn up the heating or add another layer of clothing and your baby will start to return to their normal state again.

Changes as your baby gets older

Night time routines and night wear are something that changes a lot as your little one gets older and develops. Over time, they will become more independent and mobile and require different nigh wear.

For example, a sleep sack will definitely not work once your little one is able to move around more. Instead, flexible and comfortable pyjamas will work much better – but it’s still ideal to choose a snug fitting pair.

Giving your child a blanket is really something that comes down to you as a parent. By about 12 months old, it may be the right time to give your child a blanket during the night. However, if you don’t feel comfortable with this still, there’s nothing making you do it.

We hope this guide has helped you gain a better understanding on what to dress your baby in for bed. It’s important that if you’re still unsure, speak to a paediatrician about what is suitable for your baby’s age. it's not only about what you dress your baby in for bed, it's also about where they sleep. You can choose to put your little one in a Moses basket or cot when they are born. If you're not sure which one to choose, take a look at our blog all about Moses baskets.

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